miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

EVS France 2010

Hello, to everybody! you had the greetings of Modeste since France. It's with pleasure that i inform you about my news. Then after two workweeks with the young people during Easter holidays (from 19 till 30 april). The animators of my structure and I, we had been able to realize a show(entertainment) of tale, of dance and percussion in the tour(ballot) of an african tale what give this result we had to film. See this link...

Then i was in the seminar of traning of the volunteers in France from 30 till 06 may in Montpellier at the edge of the Mediterranean sea called "seminar on arrival" whith 27 volunteers come from various countries in the world.
Throughtout this seminar many many subjects were detailed to us on the voluntary service generally.
I assure you that it was a strong time time for everything the volunteers one lived one time of userfriendliness (conviviality), of sharing and learning( apprenticeship) of the other cultures. Here is the video about our formation in Montpellier in mai 2010. Shall see you what we lived together...

1 comentario:

  1. Hola. Soy francés y quiero saber como puedo hacer un Evs en Africa.

