miércoles, 29 de setiembre de 2010

Well, today I wants to show you some photoes of burkinabè women.
Here they works a lot, while men burkinabè love to do “siesta”, and take a lot of … pause with the traditional thè, plays cards, eat.. So, also in the traditional festivity african's woman play an important role. The women dance during the marriage, and often the “femme griots” are charged to make animation, as you can see in the photoes below. They prepare the food during the traditional funerals (this is considered as a festivity, not a “black day” as in Occident), that they eat all together in the courtyard (the “zaka” in traditional language).
During this months I meet a lot of mothers and women en disease that ask help to MJCA to pay the children's school or food to them. The majority of women here have no rights, they just work hard. The “cultura maschilista” is very strong here; for what concern the discussion and the decision to take in family, burkinabè women have no voice. Especially in the “villages” is still common the “mariage forcèe” and MGF, in spite of this is forbidden by local government. They have to thanks Associations that fights to preserve rights of women, and above all Groups of Theatre.Forum (theatre of the oppressed), 'cause after their spectacles of sensibilisation this practices are very decreased, and so the women often can change their condition of life in better.
Often women have no choice: they have to “se debrouillè” all days to find money to give to eat to all family, while the husband keep money with him. So, by the way, I show you also some photoes of traditional food burkinabè: “le ris gras, le tò (I tryd to ptrepare so with my friend Bovard as you can see in one of photoes), la sauce gombò, les spaghetti”; la veritè est que ces sont un peu collè par rapport a notre “maccheroni italiani”, but it's hard to believe, their taste is really good!....... The little black bunch that you can see in the photo below is the“sumbala”, il naturale dado aromatico africano!! unfortunately is often replaced by “Maggi”, that with “Nescafè, Nestlè and Cocacola” is trying to colonize all Ouaga.. When Thomas Sankara had the power, the burkinabè economy was triyng to increase a lot, but unfortunately now the “White money” and multinationals are going to replace the local foodstaffs..
So, it's all, good works at all euroafrican's bloggers, and sopratutto buon divertimento!!
Wend a sik lafi... Nanplè..

Voilà les photoes.. bill fu;

domingo, 12 de setiembre de 2010

Hi volunteers around Europe and Africa

Dumelang !!!! le kae

I 'm so happy to write. This last months I had the opportunity to travel around different south african countries. It was amazing discover, sharing time with local people and see the differents in every country.

In One month and half i'm going to Barcelona ( my city) I can't beleive pass almost seven month and half in this place MAUN ( Botswana)

I don't want to do an evaluation yet, but i'm feel so really lucky to have the opportunity of participate in this project. You know all of us we are in the big and unique project and hopefully is the first step to develop more projects with Africa in the future

The only I can say is ka leboga ( thank you)

Soon i'm gonna add some pictures from Maun, My friends,.....

Go Siame