viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Holaaa, laa fi!!
I find a good cybercafé next my house (in the sector 19, where is located the association Dunia la vie), and finally I can give you more news from Ouagadougou. I arrived here just 2 weeks ago, and up to now there are 2 things that impressed me so much: the welcome of the inhabitants towards the strangers and to the nassara (white people), and the wonderful organisation and competence of all professionals and volunteer of Mjca (House of young people, culture and associations). They give the best they can to reach their aim: to give to young people who live here all that is necessary to grow up the better as possible. Dunia la vie is a no profit association, and there are a lot of activities here, fundamental for the inhabitants of the suburbs: the Library (with Athalie et Delphine); l’Etude libre, where young people can study even in the late evening with the help of Dianda et Denis. Then there are cultural activities and debate, discussion about topical matters avec Monsieur David, the Permanence sociale avec Safi, that take care of families in disease (for the health, the studies, etc..). Then there are laboratory of dance, theatre, traditional tales managed by Aristide and Ali, deux great performers burkinabè. Next time I’m going to describe you better all activities made by Dunia la vie, and there are a lot!!
Now I just can say that here I’m going to learn more than I ever thought, especially from the human point of wiev; yet they give me a fantastic baggage of cultural and professional skill. For more informations you can also see the web of Dunia, it’s really really worth while!!
Cheers to all volunteers of Euroafrican Project, and a super super kiss to Italy

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