Hello to everybody my dear volunteers.
I hope that all takes place well some is the place where you are; and I hope that to gather in to you a lot of enormous experience.
I from my part it is a beautiful and big experience and I consider this year, a light year for me, and I do not know if I would have this opportunity in the future but above all I gives thanks to God for every these experience which I lives.
What a big pleasure to live in another world, other culture and other lifestyle!
France occupies the eighth row world with regard to the indication of the human developpment compared with the Burkina Faso which is the last one. French does not stop complaining for the life professional. Very individualistic they worry only in their own problem, here, inFrance it is each in sound eachand it is necessary to adapt it self has their behavior.
The city in which I live counts a population of 15000 inhabitants, very modern city in the which is organized several cultural and sport events of the region.
Quits recently in this june is organized the music festival, a party conscript called "échappée belle". All these events are moment very friedly for the inhabitants of the city.
To finish june was a little bit difficult for me because I was at the hospital and I underwent a surgical operation but to day I'm very well.
salut modeste,cè safi.coment va tu? jai vu tes photos sur le blog,tout ce passe comme tu veux jesper? tout mes encouragements et coucou a toi.bye