martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

The Great Janet in Italy

Ciao everyone out there. Guess what? I arrieved safely in Italy particulary Padova via Guardı no 12 my home. Guys i want to be fair Italy is good and the food is superup i have settled in quite well. I meet my tutor Emiliano and the the rest of Xena staff they are cool. I meet the tutor from Mimosa called Roberta, but i have not yet started because i am still doing my Italian course.Posso parlare un po'Italiano,allora,ci vediamo,ciaooo :)

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi great janet!!!!!!!!! benarrivata in italia! I m sure that you will have a great trip in italy, it' s true, emiliano and xena staff is very very cool:) ya soama, as mossi people says here at ouagadougou; you have to try the pizza now, it' really worth while:)
    i hope that we can meet also in italy if you are stille there at my retourn,
    Big cheers at everyone
    besos besos;; bilfu!!
    cristina da dunia la vie

  2. Ciao Janet,

    it was really nice to meet you and chat a bit. And now...forza con l'Italiano! :)

